today & every other..

2010 December 09

Created by Claire Fox 9 years ago
I'm missing you, I wished you a happy silent birthday yesterday as many times as i could, but all i wanted was to hear you laughing and shouting me, mama, mama.....the reminder of my favourite time of the day,bed time with mama for kisses & cuddles..I feel you close to me as i carry you in my heart everywhere i go, i talk to you and explain the things we're going to do. I talk about you at every opportunity and smile when i remember how much fun we had, it just makes missing you so much harder. I hope you could see the lanterns we lit for you yesterday, it was magical that they flew from your friends houses in the village then over our house, i made a wish you were there to see it, or maybe even had something to do with the direction of the wind .... it's a good job mama thought to keep two lanterns as dadda put a hole in the first one... I decorated your christmas tree yesterday, it's not as pretty as you my darling but certainly shines as brightly, I love you darling, stay close xx