Skydive for Clara

Created by April Prendergast 18th June 2011 This event has closed


We have decided to overcome our fears and jump out of a plane in Clara's memory. We lost Clara to meningitis last year and miss her every day. She was a beautiful little girl with a perfect smile and meant the world to lots of people. By taking on this challenge we hope to raise lots of money for this incredible charity and help raise awareness of this devastating illness. We would be incredibly grateful if you were able to support us by donating to the Clara Willow Fox Forever Fund. Thank you on behalf of all of us taking part, April - Clara's Godmother


..... must come down


Glad to be down safely


Enjoying the last few moments in the sky


Soaring through the sky

Lois and Andy



Coming in to land!


It looks so peaceful up there


Textbook landing position! Well done!!


Enjoying his time in the sky

What goes up.....

Kendra and I ready to go!

Lois and Andy ready for the jump

Only 6.5 more hours to go!!!! (if only you had known before you put the uncomfortable suit on!)

Landed safely!

So sad it's over!!

Coming into land!

nearly safely back on the ground!

Landing zone!

We can see below us where we are about to land

Everything looks so small!

A beautiful view of Hibaldstow

Falling through the clouds

They really are like cotton wool!


Building up speed to 120mph

Here we go!

Jumping out of the plane at 15,000 feet

No going back now!

In the plane

We finally did it!!!

10th June 2013
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us. We have been overwhelmed by your generousity and kind words. After an 8 hour wait at the airfield yesterday we finally completed our skydive challenge! It was an amazing experience and we would definitely recommend it to all of you! The view was fantastic and reaching 120mph in freefall really was something we will never forget. The money raised is going to an amazing cause and we know it is going to be put to incredibly good use. Thanks again for all of your support xx Love you Clara xx

British weather lets us down again!

21st April 2013
It was cloudy again so we have had to rearrange to the 9 June! Hopefully we will do the skydive soon! Thanks again for all of your support Xx

17 April 2013

17th April 2013
Weather permitting we will be doing the skydive on Sunday! Thank you to everyone who has sponsored us, we are incredibly grateful for your love and support. Keep your fingers crossed for sunshine, no clouds and no wind! Take care xx

From Claire

17th April 2013
Lets hope the wind settles and the skies are clear for your big day, xx

.... 10 September Part 2

10th September 2011
At 11am we finally got the call to go and put on our skydiving equipment. We met our instructors, put on our jump suits, harnesses, protective head gear and gloves...... we now even looked the part. This was becoming very very real. Then began the long long wait................. we sat through cloud, then heavy winds, then cloud, then heavy winds. At some points in the day we had beautiful blue skies and bright sunshine but the winds were too fast. Then we had low wind but dense cloud! Neither of which are good for skydiving so we had to continue to wait. By 3pm it wasn't looking like things were going to improve and the weather forecasts were saying that hurricane Katia was on her way! This didn't sound good and we started to lose hope that we would jump out of a plane. At 5pm, after 9 hours of waiting and 6 hours in a jump suit we sadly had to leave the airfield without having completed our skydive. We were all incredibly disappointed but are now more keen than ever to jump out of a plane. We have booked in again on 9 October and hopefully the weather will be on our side. It was obviously not meant to be today but we wore our meningitis t-shirts all day and have hopefully raised some awareness of the charity in doing so. We will try again on the 9 October! Thank you all so much for your kind contributions, everyone has been incredibly supportive and we all really appreciate it. April x

So near...... yet so far!

10th September 2011
On 10 September, all alarms were set for 6am and we arrived at the airfield bright and early at 8am as planned. All very excited and looking forward to the day ahead...........little did we know, the good old British weather was about to let us down! We registered when we got to the airfield and were numbers 8,9,10 and 11 on the list so knew we'd be on one of the first two planes.......... how exciting! At 9am we had our briefing, in the hope that the cloud cover above would clear quickly and we'd be up in the air. We learnt the four golden rules of skydiving: 1) assume the banana position when leaving the aeroplane 2) after leaving the plane don't in any circumstances grab your instructors hands... this will make it impossible for them to open the parachute! (in my opinion the most important rule of all!) 3) hands forwards once the parachute opens - can't remember why 4) lift your legs as you're landing so that you don't hurt yourself After watching a video we felt like sky-diving pros! We were ready to take on the challenge! Whoop whoop....... the excitement was growing. But......... it was still too cloudy and the wind had now also picked up. So we patiently waited in the cafe and just watched the sky..............